Unity is positive and practical Christianity and is more a way of life than a religion. We seek to apply the principles taught by Jesus in a practical way that enhances our way of living in the world today. Unity Principles teach the practical application in daily life of the principles of truth taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ, as interpreted in the light of modern-day experience by the Association of Unity Churches International.
Unity is a way of life that leads to health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. We look to Jesus Christ, our way-shower and teacher. We act from His directive, "to love the Lord, your God, with all your soul, and with all your heart, and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37, 39)
Unity was founded over 100 years ago in the United States by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. A ministry based on prayer and healing, Unity teachings focus on the loving nature of God, the inherent divinity in everyone and the power of affirmative prayer.
As followers of Unity Principles, we cherish and serve all people in uplifting, spiritual, and emotionally caring ways, as we teach unconditional love, acceptance, and inclusion of all people. We believe the teachings of Jesus are about open doors and open minds. We believe that all of God's people are divinely created with equally sacred worth.
We strive to reach out to all who are seeking positive spiritual growth. In our effort to reach out and be an example to all peoples (as Jesus commissioned and He, himself, exemplified in action and deed), it is with joy, love, and celebration of our diversity that we affirm this unified position.
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